Pine Hill Cemetery, Wilmington, NC, 1990
Pine Hill Cemetery, Wilmington,
NC, 1990
“What yah
doin’ heah, boy?”
asks the
town sheriff
of the shiny
black man
standing up
to his hips
in the
partially dug grave.
strapping young man
fixes the
sheriff in the gaze
of his
piercing black eyes.
He holds a
pick in both hands.
He’s naked
to the waist.
His biceps
and pecs bulge out.
sheriff’s hand moves to his gun.
The grave is
a neatly laid out rectangle
with flat
vertical walls.
The removed
soil and stones
are piled to
the black man’s right.
A shovel
lays on the grass to his left.
fill in the distant background
beyond a
cinder block wall.
The black man’s
bold look disconcerts the sheriff.
His eyes say,
“Leave me alone or else.”
The sheriff
calculates the time he has
to pull his
gun and shoot
if the
nigger jumps up, pick in hand,
to murder
“Son, where
yah diggin’ is not
within the
cemet’ry walls”.
The thought
enters the sheriff’s head
that if he
was hacked to death
and buried
here in this grave
in this
isolated small grove of trees,
no one would
ever find him
He takes a
step backward.
He removes
his hand from his gun.
“This time I’ll
check on you at the office.
Good thing
you was born when you was.
Yasiree, Bub”.
The sheriff
turns and leaves.
The black
man returns to his work.
©Sherman Poultney 13 October 2013
Note: based on Black&White photograph by
John Rosenthal,